
Exercise bikes with motor can open for great opportunities for people who are very little active.

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Motorized cycling can help to make movements otherwise it would not be clear and such training could be a necessary option to train coordination and rhythm in the movement pattern. MOTOmed and Thera-Trainer are examples of such motorized bicycles.

For stroke patients with mild to reduced ability, such cycling has shown a significant improvement in bone function compared with normal rehabilitation. Motorized cycling also increases the balance and walking function of stroke patients.


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Yang, H. C., Lee, C. L., Lin, R., Hsu, M. J., Chen, C. H., Lin, J. H., & Lo, S. K. (2014). Effect of biofeedback cycling training on functional recovery and walking ability of lower extremity in patients with stroke. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 30(1)